Hi, I’m Brianna Doby and welcome to my blog. Please take a spin around the blog to find samples of my work, tips on how to make your photography session a success, and some general musings about my craft.


ophoto 20/365

[mama, i want to be a zebra!]



Thanks so much to InState (Music, Artists, and More) for profiling little o photography.  It's been an incredible few months, and I am so grateful for all of the support my new business has received!  And with that, I only have 3 open sessions for 2011--this autumn has been more rewarding and more busy than I ever could have imagined.

Thank you.


don't panic*

I don't really like to talk about being nervous.


But I get nervous a lot as a photographer.  I'm an ENFJ-ish type, so I think a WHOLE LOT about other people and their feelings and their reactions and blah blah blah and not so much about myself, which is another reason why I don't like to talk about how nervous I can get walking into a photo shoot.

I get really nervous.  

I wonder, gee, will I connect with these people?  Will I be able to bring about something really truthful, authentic, special?  Will I be skilled enough to capture it, even if I do see it happening?  WHAT IF MY SHUTTER DOESN'T WORK AND OMG IS THAT DIRECT SUNLIGHT UGH WHAT WILL I DO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!

I have to tell myself to stop thinking a lot.  It usually works, but even more so, I say to myself: if you are panicking, there is no way you will be able to connect to anyone else because you're not connected to yourself. I stand up a little straighter, compulsively take a few extra test shots and then:

I take some pictures.

*that's good advice from Douglas Adams


ophoto of the day 19/365

[best tree]



ophoto of the day 18/365

[fall baby]